Includes the bikini line, a butt strip between the cheeks, and hair off the front - I’ll leave as little or as much as you want! You can choose to go all bare, landing strip or a triangle.
Includes the bikini line, a butt strip between the cheeks, and hair off the front - I’ll leave as little or as much as you want! You can choose to go all bare, landing strip or a triangle.
Take as much or as little as you’d like off. Does NOT include butt strip.
$15.00 deposit required for new clients
Take as much or as little as you want off the front. Includes butt strip
$15.00 deposit required for new clients
For guests with a penis. Includes the bikini line, a butt strip between the cheeks, and hair off the front.
Includes four finger-widths off the front starting at the natural bikini line, and two finger-widths starting from the top.
Includes the glutes and the butt strip between the cheeks.
Includes upper and lower legs along with the knees, feet, and toes.
Includes the entire length of the back
Choose from your upper or lower arm
All of the chest, starts at the collar bone and includes nipples
Includes the length of the full stomach plus a stomach strip
$10.00 deposit required for new clients
Take as much or as little as you want off the front. Includes butt strip. This is for First Time Guests.
Includes the inside and outside of nose
Includes a strip from the top of the underwear to the belly button. (Does not include full stomach.
Incudes Cheeks on face